1988 Satanist Alexander Dugin and his pal Jamal, members of the public memory
( B. Yakemenko then, too, was in memory of).
And they all came out of the KGB coat Yuzhinskogo alley ...
http://lj.rossia.org/users/anticompromat/ : "did not help him
in November In 1988 from Dime Dimych Vasiliev took two-thirds of its "memory" (a new "Memory", headed by psychiatrist patriarchal hospital Filimonov), accusing Dim Dimych that he made to the Central Council of "Memory" Dugin and Jemal - anti-Soviet dissidents associated with the "satanic occultists wing" (there were in mind Mamleev and Crowley), and in February, 89 th Dim Dimych drove both DA for the same Sovietism, occultism and Satanism. "