Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Dugin and Jemal: Company "Memory"


1988 Satanist Alexander Dugin and his pal Jamal, members of the public memory

( B. Yakemenko then, too, was in memory of).

And they all came out of the KGB coat Yuzhinskogo alley ...

** : "did not help him his Poles no fofudya nor Leninist internationalism:

in November In 1988 from Dime Dimych Vasiliev took two-thirds of its "memory" (a new "Memory", headed by psychiatrist patriarchal hospital Filimonov), accusing Dim Dimych that he made to the Central Council of "Memory" Dugin and Jemal - anti-Soviet dissidents associated with the "satanic occultists wing" (there were in mind Mamleev and Crowley), and in February, 89 th Dim Dimych drove both DA for the same Sovietism, occultism and Satanism. "

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tapirr @ 2011-02-27T20: 33:00

way, I now wallpaper glue.

and between to listen to the radius (in a laptop),

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Shrove Sunday of the Last Judgement

icon Latest Court:

Danielovo vidění Iluminace z 12. stol. v komentáři ke knize Zjevení, sepsaném španělským opatem Beatem Liébanou, Brit Daniel 7,3-10

Part 2

Part 3 Painting

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Priest Mitrofanov against "holy" Zoey Kosmodemyans'koi.

Writes [info] tiropolk

first to recognize Zoe saint spoke in Tambov, in her homeland . Professor of the local state university called ROC canonize Hero of the Soviet Union Zoya Kosmodem'yanskii. Speaking at the regional administration with the presentation on the 85 th anniversary of the heroine, Professor Vladimir Dyachkov said: "We can say that Zoe - holy on all grounds. Why does our Orthodox Church has not canonized this girl? ".

Archpriest Georgy Mitrofanov, a professor of St. Petersburg Theological Academy, a member of the Synodal Commission on Canonization of Saints, commented this sentence: "The Church recognizes the martyr's death is Orthodox Christian for his faith . The death of Zoe Kosmodemjanskoj, which was active member of the Komsomol and the Stalinist can not be considered as death for their faith , - the father said in an interview with George Orthodox agency "living water" - Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya - granddaughter of a priest who was killed by the Bolsheviks and the Russian Orthodox Church canonized. One can only marvel, like granddaughter martyr could live so apart from the life of the Church ».

According to the newspaper, "My area", according to Mitrofanov, subversive activities group, which included Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya - the question that requires a special discussion. According to the priest, from this activity have suffered not only the Germans, how many civilians . « Therefore, neither the circumstances of her death or her beliefs do not give any grounds for canonization: it is impossible for a person who professed atheism, was canonized », - summed up the archpriest.

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Marina Salie

"Time passed, and Sobchak, in spite of all his charm (his gift to the speaker, the gift to please, must agree, no doubt), does not use in popularity. And only in the heart and 'the intellectuals' I would say support him. And in sleeping areas, he lost his ranking. And it's not a contender ... This story is from his apartment, with a criminal case ... In One fine day with the help of Putin Sobchak flew on a plane to Finland, and from there to Paris.

Well, as soon as Boris Yeltsin handed over the reins Vladimir Vladimirovich, Anatoly decided that all is now right, he nepodsuden and under the protection of Vladimir ... it can safely return to Russia. Which he did, and he was absolutely wrong .

matter ended badly.

I think unlikely that he died of natural causes . Because all the circumstances This death was very strange, and Lyudmila next day after his death, she expressed such an assumption. True, the day after her, probably, well explained everything we needed, and she gave up this version. Perhaps it would be necessary to carry out the exhumation. "


" - Returning to the report of the working Group on the activities of Vladimir Putin. It was made in 1992 and have been widely quoted in 2000 alone. Why?

- Yes, indeed, it began widely discussed only after 8 years. Because before this report no one was interested. In 1999 - 2000, I was already living in Moscow (she worked for the Free Democratic Party of Russia - SvDPR). And so on Dec. 30 on my work came NTV correspondent Yevgeny Revenko and began asking questions about the report and about Putin, from what I I realized - something not happening. Media have long been interested in me.

It was December 30. A 31-second Yeltsin announced his successor. Then I realized what was happening. And on NTV from my long interview sounded 02/03 phrases. Enteveshnik all insisted that I said everything right. But I knew it some serious, and answered evasively. And then I became a star of the world press. In January I perebyvali representatives from leading media around the world. Who just was not there.

kill me. Natasha is very afraid

Putin in the book "First Person. Conversations with Vladimir Putin "(2000) wrote the following sentence (almost quote):" Yes, in fact of the matter is that there were no licenses. Well, was not their "(" licenses we had no right to give. That's the whole point. Licenses were given unit of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations. This federal structure, not having anything to do with the city administration. " - RS ). And they are all in my folder are ...

kill me. Natasha (Sestra. - RS ) very afraid.

- were direct threats?

- None.

- Why did you move?

- I moved because of Yushenkov. We have agreed with Yushenkov about the meeting, it was early in 2000. We, the Free Democrats, wanted to unite with him. We have always been a very good relationship with Sergei Nikolaevich. And I saw in his office a man I did not want to see ever, anywhere, under any circumstances. I will not call you that name. And then I realized that it is better leave. And Sergey was soon killed. "


fully here (and most important - about stealing evil Carla)

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Poet and Citizen: Arab varyant

from [info] andreistp

Efremov in image Lermontov:

" Tell me, Dima, it's not for nothing ... "

I like the rhyme "... Muammar," Well, there are still many good finds.

Previous part was about press attache Hamovnicheskogo court Natalia Vasitlevu (there Efremov it Nekrasov )

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Boris Yakemenko about Gaddafi

Martin Fletcher about what is happening in Libya

"chilling videotape showing the cruelty of war, which Gaddafi has announced his own people, writes The Times . In order newspapers came shooting out of the hospital Al-Jala in the Libyan city of Benghazi. They can see a young man whose almost cut off his legs, and bodies, twisted blasts, says the correspondent Martin Fletcher.
"These and other images seem to be irrefutable evidence of the extent of violence which Libyan leader authorizes, fighting for its survival. Under what circumstances these men were killed is unclear, but apparently, the cause of death were not blows with batons, injured by rubber bullets or other conventional methods of demonstrations. Severity of injury leads to the conclusion that it
victims of air strikes, tanks, attack machine guns or other heavy weapons that the Libyan security forces and black African mercenaries were used to crush the rebellion

", - the article says. day before yesterday, Gaddafi urged his compatriots to hunt the" cowards "and" cockroaches "who, he said, want to destroy Libya on the orders of America, Britain and other foreign powers. In justification of his actions, he referred to the decision by Chinese authorities to use force against protesters Tiananmen Square. Gaddafi said that it is better to take a martyr's death rather than allow himself to be overthrown.

"According to the Gaddafi protests all 1% of the population, but is now rising, apparently, has spread throughout most of eastern Libya, "- the newspaper said. The head of Libya's Interior Ministry has resigned." Sensation that the Libyan regime collapses, rising, "- remarked the newspaper.

Marye Al-Mahr, who lives in the town of al-Baida, said the tanks were used against demonstrators and aviation. "As you shoot only for what you're walking down the street. Obviously, they do not care, we are alive or dead. This is genocide," - he said. "The video, made, apparently, in Benghazi, one can see how the crowd treated the charred corpses of soldiers who were executed and burned for refusing to fire on demonstrators, "- says the article. Grows the number of Libyan diplomats who resigned, claiming that they can not support a government which destroys its own people. "

The whole world is horrified

that creates order. that would retain their power mad, "Leader of the Revolution," African Stalin. But there are those who are not terrified, and approves. Wandering through Lj wandered into a corner Nashists Boris G. Yakemenko (brother Luberetsky 'brother Vasey).
In free writing textbooks for DIC, Boris G. Yakemenko (pictured, with Mokhnatko on the face) wrote in LJ:

"RIGHT WAY Якеменко Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi has shown the world how to do provocateurs who seek to start a revolution, instability and civil war.

He began to destroy them. rockets and everything at his disposal.

And this is the surest way to eliminate the use of

American "revolutionary" technologies. "To achieve the welfare of our people we need peace. It is desirable to fly. " So twenty years ago used to joke about Brezhnev, not knowing that soon enough joke in all seriousness will be implemented.

It is reported that his son, Seif al-Islam said that his father "supports the Army and he leads the battle for Tripoli ... We will win. We will not leave their homeland and we will fight to the end, to the last man, to the last bullet. " Son Jamahiriya leader expressed confidence that the armed forces "will play a key role and restore order at any cost. "

These are the words a man ready to take responsibility for what happens in the country and not afraid of provocateurs .

Seif al-Islam promised legislative and other reforms and to convene a "national congress". "Alternative Transformations - a schism and division," - said the son of Gaddafi. «Сегодня появился исламский эмират в Эль-Бейда, а завтра будет 15 таких эмиратов. Think about what would happen to the country? This should not be allowed "- he stressed, calling on people to a sober assessment of what is happening and prevent civil war. " In his view, the United States and other Western countries will not allow conversion Libya, an Islamic state, they take control over the country and its oil. "We can not afford to Libya had been torn to pieces and become a tasty morsel for the gangs of mercenaries "- he said. (Reportedly the Voice of Russia), Seif al-Islam has made it clear that he and his father "would fight to the end." "On our side of the Libyan Army, which will play its historic role, and to preserve national unity "- quoted Gaddafi son ITAR-TASS. course, selfless "human rights", as reported by Radio Mayak "urged world powers to protect the population of Libya from the killings by their own government. On Sunday, they sent letter to U.S. President, EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy and Secretary General of the UN, which are urged to convene a meeting of the UN Security Council on Libya. " In other words, the call for military intervention.

curious logic. First, with the active participation of those the U.S. provocateurs organized attempt to overthrow a legitimate (!) of power and division of the country. Then the leader of the country reacts to it as it sees fit, because has on a full and legitimate right. After that, the complaint, the screams and threats. Why, I wonder leaders fully independent states should wait yet to be overthrown and replaced there will be those who will serve U.S. interests in the Middle East .\u0026lt;...>

So Qaddafi understands very well that occurs. All we see yet another U.S. attempt to take control of another country in the Middle East. But it looks like a failure again.

Good Colonel Gaddafi.

Everyone would be so. "

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

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continue thinking about the catechism, or lack thereof.

"One of the most significant, I think of moments in the rite of the sacrament of Baptism are the baptismal vows. Some priests forced baptized say it exactly like written in the Book of Needs, in Slavonic, while others translate them into Russian, and others, most creative, trying to decipher their free paraphrase.

But in all three cases, the vast majority, this remains a formality. That answer is not baptized so important. Money is paid, Rite decorated, show must go on. Baptized answer is that it should be, not understanding the essence of those words that they utter. They say: answer wrong, and they are responsible. And somehow I it seems that modern baptized or recipients of general utter whatever they are told. For example, the "Nest god but God and Mohammed is the prophet His "or" In the struggle for Lenin's always ready! "Somewhat embarrassed, of course, but utter. I think so. "

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Jan Hartman on homophobia

stanislaw_minin [info] "translated the text by Jan Hartman, Philosophy and Bioethics of the Jagiellonian University. (Poland), published in the journal Przekrój. Almost all of us brought up in a culture of aversion. Only the most free among us can feel an aversion to dirt only - others suffer from different cultural obverse. One of them is the acquisition of an aversion to homosexuality. It was purchased because it is an aversion feature of our culture, echoes an archaic system, "sins", designed to maintain public harmony desert tribes, conveyed to us their religious and moral ideas. Disgust - a common sense, so it's easy to deceive, stating that in relation to homosexuals to his experiences each while she homosexuality "contrary to nature." It does not matter that it was "contrary to nature" is found everywhere, and only some of the culture of his condemn. It does not matter that this phenomenon is widespread in the animal world - proponents of "natural law", which in their interpretation inevitably turns a set of stereotypes and prejudices purely particularistic and wearing only a cultural nature, the truth is never interested. Yes, and what can be However, when the nation needs to be protected from the poison of liberalism, atheism and pederasty?

Most of us are in some stage of recovery, exemption from the acquired in childhood homophobia. As if we already recovering, but every time is not until the end. We would never have supported discrimination against homosexuals but we really do not like parades equality. We are arguing this way: "do not publicly declare their sexuality, regardless of orientation. " At the same time we want to seem dumber than we really are, because we are well aware that this political event, and gave rise behavior - no more than a test of how seriously our respect for the principle of equal rights for gays and lesbians.

In the next stage of ethical rehabilitation, to overcome the hideous blemish homophobia are those who would permit same-sex couples to officially register the marriage, but God forbid, without the right to educate their children. Let them do whatever you want in bed, let inherit each other's property and so on, but do not let them spoil the child! I, too, thought so, but I had to change my point of view. Better late than never.

assume that the whole child is much better to have a mom and dad than two moms or two dads. Does this mean that the presence of, for example, in an orphanage for children is preferable to family upbringing of gays or lesbians? Does is that any homosexual couple, for example, a pair of cute and clever people would be worse for the child's family, rather than a pair of drunks or thugs? Perhaps, this thesis no one would defend. And, since it is likely that the homosexual couple adopting a child may be the best option for the child, rather than stay in an orphanage, then why this probability should not be considered at the legislative level? Surely in this case, the government cares about the interests of child? Of course not. So what is it governed? Aversion to homosexuality. And nothing else. Circle. For those who have not yet recovered to the end, I have an excellent suggestion. Think of all of their homosexual feelings and experiences since childhood and adolescence. Try to love this experience. Fearing gays or lesbians, we are afraid of gay or lesbian in themselves. When we made peace with his own homosexuality, the treatment can be considered complete.

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Natalya Vasilyeva polygraph

Beauty Natalia Vasilyeva, press attache
наталья васильева ** Наталья Васильева
spokesman Hamovnicheskogo Court Natalya Vasilyeva passed lie-detector test
Polygraph showed that Vassiliev she decided to give a scandalous interview in which he spoke a judge-imposed sentence on Danilkin "second Yukos affair."
Natalia Vassilieva speaks the truth. Anyway, it showed the lie detector.

As assistant attorneys told the judge Danilkin, Vasilyeva voluntarily went to check. During the three hours she was asked questions relating to the recent interview. The survey was conducted by a specialist who has passed the appropriate training and has a certificate and special equipment. As described Ekho Moskvy radio station, the head of the interregional association of human rights organizations "Agora" Pavel Chikov, which represents the interests of Natalia Vasilyeva after-detector test to the following conclusions: Vasileva herself agreed to be interviewed, and no money for him she did not pay.

According to lawyers Natalya Vasilyeva, if necessary, it is ready for the court to pass lie-detector test. We recall the scandal erupted 10 days ago, when in an interview " and TV Rain Natalya Vasilyeva said that the judge Danilkin constantly under pressure, and the verdict against Khodorkovsky and Lebedev, wrote in the Moscow City Court. According to Natalya Vasilyeva in Moscow City Court considered a provocation, and the judge then called the statement Danilkin his assistant slander. However, after these words no more no reaction. No checks, no criminal case for libel. And just today, the agency quoted a phrase from the interview with Victor Danlkinym transfer "Man and Law": "I am responsible for this sentence to the end of his days."

Man and the Law "with an interview with Victor Danilkin come on Channel today at 22:30.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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About nationalists

nationalism - it is such a mental illness that distorts the view of the world, interferes see the world adequately.

This applies to both Russian nationalists who are imagining that the unfortunate Russian harassed, and Jewish nationalists, manage to see anti-Semitism, where he is not lying.

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You prazdnichek?

You disgraced today, congratulating the men with "holiday"? Then you are here:

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Death - New data

Yes, I forgot to say:
in paragraph

"... The tears and sobs are now over the country . It's Death sitting in the Kremlin and eats bloody watermelon.
There is already preparing to throw a new ball and invite Bella Akhmadulina to hand her the award named Bulat Okudzhava. Perhaps Akhmadulina will also be at the table and devour watermelons, not realizing that flows down her fingers. Dance with the Grim Reaper will gopak Pugacheva, and ballerina Volochkova show her leg and do the PA. Choir of young girls perform a song about summer. death has a lot of work this year ... Do not choose death is the president of Russia! "

should now read:

... a ballerina Volochkova


show her leg and do the PA.
** But you, gentlemen, it is still

not choose Death is the president of Russia

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official announcement of the Moscow Patriarchate on the occasion of the complex in Gelendzhik


spk_observer [info] official announcement of the Moscow Patriarchate on the complex Gelendzhik
Synodal information department of the Moscow Patriarchate, made an official statement regarding the construction of ecclesiastical administrative Spiritual Center at Gelendzhik. Here is the whole thing.
Some time ago on a site of social movement "open beach, as well as in some Media and the blogs, there have been reports about the construction near the village of Praskoveevka in the Krasnodar region of the object of the Russian Orthodox Church. In connection with the distributed over the internet rumors about what the object is a "summer residence of the Patriarch", and its construction was carried out with various disabilities, King James Information Department reports the following:
Since 2005, under the Gelendzhik under construction ecclesiastical administrative spiritual center of Russian Orthodox Church in southern Russia, along with the existing centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It will house a hall for meetings of the Holy Synod, rooms to stay members of the Synod, administrative and management services of the Moscow Patriarchate. In addition, the center will be equipped with operating rooms, conference rooms, room press-center, etc. Along with the function of church government, the center will also be charged with representative functions: reception of the Primates and delegations other local churches, conducting official meetings and so on.

Another challenge for the future center - educational work with children and youth, conducting meetings with the public and intellectuals. The center will also open an Orthodox church.

In the process of construction requirements have been met all services, including environmental. Any mass felling of trees was carried out. This is confirmed in particular, the act of inspection activities of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources on December 6, 2010. In addition, the draft regional planning center includes planting more hundreds of trees. The territory of the center do not overlap and can not block the free access to the coast, since the center is located at a height of 60 meters above the sea level.

Customer advocates the construction of the Moscow Patriarchate. Executor - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Company to deliver products Administration President of the Russian Federation ", carries on business in accordance with its Charter. General contractor is Serbian company "Travel".

Construction ecclesiastical administrative center of the spiritual is at the expense of the Moscow Patriarchate, without the involvement of State budget at any level.


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rot? So keep

Yes, I'm native Russian Red Army did not congratulate!
congratulate her записями по теме:
Карикатура, Автор: Марат Валиахметов
I sincerely hope that she eventually rot as soon as possible!

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Pro Via rough

Yes, Via-gra concert in Kiev (this we have here on the TV broadcast) - is happy. But I never knew the name of devchenok. Now we have learned - Nadia and Vera. Actually, it was their beauty created the image of this group - black and white. There's still a lot of perebyvali - all are also involved in the concert. When they got this current (light brown), I thought that it was not very consistent - if they are very beautiful, then it - no.
Now, when instead of the Faith, took another blonde (younger), I see that light brown (the name was not learned) was still "pretty" pedigree (it's for women are important, and for men too). And this new one - no, not even cute, it's PTU-shnitsa some.

(Of course I am 18, but if there is a little younger, explain: PTU is a "vocational school" in the USSR, the place for the proletariat).

So Via-gra are Vera (pictured below left) and Nadia (pictured above right) Forever.


Here. And you say: Hindemith, Hindemith ...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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In this light

Another small wins of my personal world.

Roger ♥

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슈퍼 주니어 ~

I realized that I could send everyone to see but fuck
. In
10. Not 13, not 15.

Were you in 10, and I hope with all my heart that you will return 12.

Because he will not return. He is right there in his country. He is happy in China.
And I think that is very bad you will never be as before. Together.

ShiningStar'll be for life, and in my memories.
I will always be part of that Shappi Blue Ocean.
I'll always be together with you, memories. Why are we
EverLastingFriends, right?

It seems stupid that I'm here to write is crap. Why I started to really follow three years ago, when I've seen the first time, maybe I feel less stupid.
But I'm here, and it's been a year where I have accompanied him. And in recent months I can not do without you.

If you are sad, we are sad.

If you are happy, so are we.

As can be silly?
How simple-minded sentiments of human beings?

you give me that other part that I have from Dir en Grey.
you, and that the opposite che completa.
Due nomi..  사랑해~

Ridere con voi, piangere con voi, vegliare su di voi senza che sappiate della nostra esistenza.

Potrei mandare a fanculo quest'anno di università.
Voglio vedervi entro quest'anno.
Voglio vedervi almeno UNA VOLTA prima che sia tardi.
Voglio poter urlare e piangere con voi. Vedervi correre davanti ai miei occhi, sorridere, ed essere felici.

Non voglio rimpiangere questa mancanza che sarebbe lacerante.
Ho paura di perdervi, e non voglio.

Vi amo, SuperJunior.
Ti amo, Kim HeeChul.

E dio santo, sparatemi in testa.

When there are hard times, if I'd just listen to your voice for a moment,
I Could Forget everything and laugh it off.

Believe - SuperJunior

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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The problem .. W

.. I think it is basically due to the lack .
In general, there are many things missing, things that tanche I miss many things from we lack is a lot of things missing.

In this case, the solution it groped to fill these gaps.
But it is impossible. Why the lack
largest is something that I did not create.
So there is no remedy, and I just have to wait for time to run its course.
But time is a bastard, go too fast and too quietly.

I want to go, but maybe it's just pride. I would like to see the
return, but it's just a dream. I would like to see you
return, but it is only a hope.

are all things I can not get.

Everything is black again.
Too black.
Why are apathetic if I listen to Dir en Grey. I'm afraid to listen to them. I'm afraid to even hear their terrible absence. Why
two days I'll see Roger, and it can not even get excited for a while, when a couple of years ago I would have done mad about him.
Why I have to work hard to be able to see Heechul, but it just makes me feel bad.
Why should I study, but I can not find stimuli. Why I miss you
, but there are points of contact, and even if the desire is to touch a lot, if the desire to make and piercing, you can not do anything.
And why, primarily, I am increasingly aware that it all started when in fact she started to miss , selfishly speaking, maybe it's something that's just me.

missing the will to live.
the morning is almost painful to open your eyes.
And I feel like shit at the very thought.

I get to find the problem.
I really smile. I
.. feel good. The
I would really like.

This does not make sense. The Cassiopeia is a

Monday, February 7, 2011

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costellazzione cui le stelle formano la lettera W.
Cassiopeia è il nome del fanclub dei Dong Bang Shin Ki.
Tong Vfang Xien Qi.

Cinque ragazzi. Cinque stelle .
Troppo lunga da spiegare , ma non riesco a togliermi dalla testa questa canzone, e quello che ne ha causato l'esistenza.
Separazione, 2 +3, sofferenza.


to depict the character of the stars in the night sky came
Yozorani ukanda hoshiga mojiwo egaki dasunoha
The letters that the stars created in the night sky I believe

not happened yet and still
Guuzen janaito imamo mada shinjiteruyo
I still believe that it is not just by chance

remain the same distance in the same dark
Onaji yamino nakade onaji kyorino mamade
In the same darkness, in the same distance

W \u0026lt;double> to continue drawing
W \u0026lt;double> wo egaki tsuduketeiru
We are painting the W \u0026lt;double> in the same way More like the shining

you find
Kimini mitsukaruyouni motto kagayaku kara
We will shine more and more so that you can find us

keep in mind that I love you.
keep in mind that I love you.
Keep in mind that I love you.

and banged
I wish ...

think once you meet his eyes closed from sometime you're everything
Itsuka aerukara mewo tojiru tabi kimiwo omou you're everything
Our paths will cross again, I am thinking about you every time I close my eyes, you're everything

君 が 居る こと が 今 も まだ あたりまえ な ん だ よ
Kimiga irukotoga although we atarimae Nanday
It is still natural that you are by our side

た だ 今 は 君 が 幸せ である と 願い
they had then kimiga shiawasedearuto care
We can only wish that you are happy

僕ら の 階段 を ひとつひとつ 登っ て いく よ
Bokurano kaidanwo hitotsuhitotsu nobotte ikuyo
We will climb our stairs one by one

them I'm waiting for you imagining our future still
Bokuraha mada bokurano miraiwo souzou shinagara kimiwo matteruyo
We are still waiting for you, imagining I'm sure our future

I wish ..

think once you meet his eyes closed from sometime you're everything
Itsuka aerukara mewo tojiru tabi kimiwo omou you're everything
Our paths will cross again, I am thinking about you every time I close our my eyes, you're everything

obvious I'm still there now and you can
Kimiga irukotoga imamo mada atarimae nandayo
It is still natural that you are by our side

place to meet you someday keep Teru Hayo
Itsuka aerumade kimino ibashha mamotteruyo
We will keep your place here, until the day we can meet again

and laugh again with you because he believes
Kimito mouichido waraeruto shinjiterukara
We believe that we can laugh together with you once again

You're my love Please hold on
You're my love Please hold on
You're my love Please hold on

any pain even if the waiting time has passed even
Tokiga nagaretemo donna itamiga matte itemo
Even when the days pass by, and that there You may be pains

forever our "Pride" What is it
Kimiha itsumademo boku tachino "pride" nandayo
You are always our "PRIDE"

you muttered to the stars of the night sky came
Yozorani ukanda hoshini kimiga tsubuyaitanoha
The words that you murmured to the stars shining in the nightsky

and I believe it still is not goodbye
Sayonara janaito imamomada shinjiteruyo
We still believe that it is not "Good bye"

same dreams draw under the same sky
Onaji sorano shitade onaji yumewo egaki
Under the same sky, dreaming the same dream

W \u0026lt;Double> keep looking for a
W \u0026lt;double> wo sagashi tsuduketeiru
We are still searching for the W \u0026lt;double>

the same shape all the way to shine
Onaji katachinomama zutto kagayaku kara
We will always shine in the same shape

keep in mind that I love you.
keep in mind that I love you.
keep in mind that I love you.

rendezvous Two Much to burn
aitakute aitakute
I want to see you, see you

Two Much Two Much
aitakute aitakute
I want to see you, see you

aitakute aitakute Two Much Two Much
I want to see you, see you

Two Much Two Much Two Much
aitakute aitakute aitakute
I want to see you, see you, see you

I wish ...

not Thinking of you at the meet with his eyes closed tired you're everything
Itsuka aerukara mewo tojiru tabi kimiwo omou you're everything
Our paths will cross again, I am thinking about you every time I close my eyes, you're everything

obvious I'm still there now that you
Kimiga irukotoga imamo mada atarimae nandayo
It is still natural that you are by our side

to meet someday You're've barricade whereabouts
Itsuka aerumade kimino ibashoha mamotteruyo
We will keep your place here, until the day we can meet again

laugh and believe that you once again
Kimito mouichido waraeruto shinjite irukara
We Believe That we can laugh together with you Once Again


Stranziante and beautiful.
I could listen forever, and bind it to many situations.
I could live out.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Clean White G-shocks

Every day I just can not control
Every night the loneliness
is my love (So in the Beast's cube)

Can not breathe, my body's getting stiff like an ice (Why Why! !)
Hey dear, stay here, I'm going blind (Why! Why!)
No way losing my way, why are you drifting away?
I don’t want to get hurt, but what will we do with my love struck heart?

I don’t hear anything
I don’t see anything
Oh, ever since you’ve left
I couldn’t focus on anything else

(Cuz I’ll be there)
Everything stopped, and now it's over
And my existence is fading away
(Cuz I’ll be there)
Even if I close my eyes
You're still fading away from my memories

Every day I shock (shock)
Every night I shock (shock)
I’m sorry, please come back to my side
Every day I shock (shock)
Every night I shock (shock)
Because of you I can’t focus on anything else. Oh~
Come to me, oh oh oh tonight's (so so crazy)
Come back, back back to me (I’m waiting (for) you you!)
Oh oh oh tonight's (so so crazy)
I don't think I can ever wake up from ma shock

Hey ya, wake up
Once I wake up, you’re not by my side
Oh lalalalalala, now you’re laughing like a lunatic
I’m struggling everyday against the clashing waves of loneliness
I can’t (forget you) for the rest of my life

If I knew it would be like this, I would have held you back
Then it wouldn't have been so hard
Oh, even if I try to embrace you once more
I can’t, cuz I can't even move a single finger

(Cuz I'll be there)
It’s hard to breath
And my heart hurts.
(Cuz I’ll be there)
The more I think about you
The longer I idle while sitting down
And I can’t get anything done

Every day I shock (shock)
Every night I shock (shock)
I’m sorry, please come back to my side
Every day I shock (shock)
Every night I shock (shock)
Because of you I can’t focus on anything else. Oh~
Come to me, oh oh oh tonight's (so so crazy)
Come back, back back to me (I’m waiting (for) you you!)
Oh oh oh tonight's (so so crazy)
I don't think I can ever wake up from ma shock

Every night in my dream (in my dream)
I can’t (can’t)
Hear your voice (voice)
So, where are you?

If you’re happy to be away from my side
Then I will try to hold in my tears for you

Every day I shock (shock)
Every night I shock (shock)
I’m sorry, please come back to my side
Every day I shock (shock)
Every night I shock (shock)
Because of you I can’t focus on anything else. Oh~
Come to me, oh oh oh tonight's (so so crazy)
Come back, back back to me (I’m waiting (for) you you!)
Oh oh oh tonight's (so so crazy)
I don't think I can ever wake up from ma shock
This song is not over
Get Shocked


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Inserting Jpeg Autocad

Shocked me. Tumblr



I'm out.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blog Marriage Labiastretching

Un nuovo mondo.

Questo week-end torno a Milano.