After almost 2 months I found myself again in the city of Milan. This year I enjoyed very much and I spent a wonderful weekend =)
I decided to leave on Friday night because a friend gave me the willingness to sleep with him. So, as Novegro, I left in the car so as to move more easily.
Saturday was a day full of sunshine! The crowd was quiet and I was able to run without problems. The race was organized by ANAC who have renewed their challenge to elect the new King and Queen. They also introduced some variations on a couple of awards like him & her, him & her and her & her.
For me, I predicted the Jedi knight costume since I had the opportunity to be present as shown in London concert orchestra that performed all the music of the official Star Wars films. Although there were several initiatives that day, this opportunity was unique and could not give it up. I also tried something new from that cosplayer I'd never done until now.
Thank you for this ^ ^ and Marco Amedeo
Towards the evening with all the set of Rebel Legion and 501st with the means we are moving towards the Forum of Assago. From there follow the signs of an English girl (who had a pair of glasses in the 80's style nerd XD) where we have to change.
Before the concert we were provided as listed in the preceding access forum where there were also many clothing and memorabilia of the original scene of the film, all accompanied by videos that cover some phases of history.
We have changed and we headed to our seats assigned to us. The concert was very nice =)
he eventually tried to meet the actor, but unfortunately it was not possible. So we said goodbye and gathered a day after the fair.
Sunday morning I brought everything needed for the custom of Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attourney. This time, compared to Novegro in its original version.
the race was organized and presented by Luke nanuxao insieme al suo gruppo. Io son son riuscito a seguire tutta la gara perchè domenica era piena di gente! Non si riusciva a camminare e ci son state 500 persone circa iscritte!
Ne ho approfittato per girare meglio gli stands e salutare un sacco di amici.
Il momento clue è stata la performance di Re vega con lo scoppio della casse! Ero 2 stand lontano dal palco quando ho sentito un botto e ho visto del fumo. Le polemiche sul caso nei vari forums le lascio a voi =)
A sera ormai tutti stavano facedndo i bagagli. A mio malincuore ho dovuto rinunciare ad una cena orgaizzata dal buon Maurizio Saky per dover tornare a Firenze =(
Così con un paio di saluti mi son congedato dalla fiera memore della splendida giornata passata ^^
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