Saturday, February 26, 2011

Where Can I Buy Zero Flame Overalls In Sa?

Priest Mitrofanov against "holy" Zoey Kosmodemyans'koi.

Writes [info] tiropolk

first to recognize Zoe saint spoke in Tambov, in her homeland . Professor of the local state university called ROC canonize Hero of the Soviet Union Zoya Kosmodem'yanskii. Speaking at the regional administration with the presentation on the 85 th anniversary of the heroine, Professor Vladimir Dyachkov said: "We can say that Zoe - holy on all grounds. Why does our Orthodox Church has not canonized this girl? ".

Archpriest Georgy Mitrofanov, a professor of St. Petersburg Theological Academy, a member of the Synodal Commission on Canonization of Saints, commented this sentence: "The Church recognizes the martyr's death is Orthodox Christian for his faith . The death of Zoe Kosmodemjanskoj, which was active member of the Komsomol and the Stalinist can not be considered as death for their faith , - the father said in an interview with George Orthodox agency "living water" - Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya - granddaughter of a priest who was killed by the Bolsheviks and the Russian Orthodox Church canonized. One can only marvel, like granddaughter martyr could live so apart from the life of the Church ».

According to the newspaper, "My area", according to Mitrofanov, subversive activities group, which included Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya - the question that requires a special discussion. According to the priest, from this activity have suffered not only the Germans, how many civilians . « Therefore, neither the circumstances of her death or her beliefs do not give any grounds for canonization: it is impossible for a person who professed atheism, was canonized », - summed up the archpriest.